Posts tagged charmed circle

The new dichotomy: sex positivity, sex negativity

I blame it on Jess. And her friends. And the crew over at G3. And anyone else I can add to the list in a vain attempt to diminish my own culpability for this morning’s hangover. Cause, after all, the last thing you expect at a gathering that is both lesbian and chic is to be encouraged to drink silly amounts of strong alcohol before dancing til the early hours.


(Tequila! Grrr!)

Although before the party spirit hit, I found myself for the umpteenth time this year discussing an issue that feminists, academics and assorted commentators really need to get to grips with. Which is the sex-positive revolution… . and the way in which (mostly) rad fems, and puritanical Christians on one side, and a new wave of young/libertarian feminists on t’other seem perpetually to be locking horns over this issue. Read the rest of this entry »

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